Haeundae Gaya Milmyeon

Haeundae Gaya Milmyeon

Hello, Busan’s cherry blossom viewing season is over and Busan’s wheat noodles season is approaching. Busan wheat noodles are cold noodles made of flour.It was one of the most popular dishes in Busan as a low-priced noodle dish, but it’s a little sad that the number of restaurants over 6,000 won has increased recently.

Haeundae Gaya Milmyeon
Wheat noodles, spicy noodles, and dumplings

Haeundae Gayamilmyeon, a 10-minute walk from E-Mart’s Haeundae branch near Haeundae Beach in Busan, is a popular store that lines up during lunch time. There are only three menus, wheat noodles, bibimmyeon, and dumplings.

The amount of wheat noodles in a fairly large stainless steel bowl and the size of the bowl are amazing, and you can taste deep-flavored cold wheat noodles with chicken, onions, garlic, and various healthy herbal medicines.

If you mix the spicy sauce based on the fruit pear with the noodles, you can taste the delicious bibimilmyeon. Water and broth are self-service.

Milmyeon 밀면6,500Won
Spicy wheat noodles 비빔밀면7,000Won
dumpling 만두5,000Won
NameHaeundae Gaya Milmyeon
Address27 Jwa-dong Circulation Road, Haeundae-gu, Busan
부산시 해운대구 좌동순환로 27
business hours09:00~21:00

How to go:Busan Subway Line 2 Jungdong Station on foot 1

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