Japanese Fortress– tag –
Jinhae Myeongdong Japanese Fortress
Jinhae Myeongdong Japanese castle, located near the observatory of the Solar Tower in Changwon Marine Park, saw Geoje -
Masan Japanese Fortress
慶尚南道 昌原市 馬山湾が臨む海抜85メートルの龍馬山の頂上部から馬山図書館の下段部まで続く周り500メートルほどの馬山倭城は、1592年4月、釜山に上陸して金海城を陥落した後、昌原を経て馬山に入った伊達政宗(だて まさむね)が龍馬山を軍事基地として... -
Namhae Seonso Japanese Fortress
Namhae Seonso Waeseong Fortress was built in November 1597 by Yasuharu Wakiita on a small hill called Yunsan Cheonnamdae overlooking Namhae-eup, Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do. It is believed that the low hills were built in three layers a... -
Jangmunpo Japanese Fortress
Hello, Geoje Island, located about an hour's drive from Busan, is a rich island surrounded by the sea and is a tourist attraction connected to Busan City through the undersea tunnel, but there are still some Japanese castle built during ... -
Gyeonnaeryang Japanese Fortress
見乃梁倭城 -
Gimhae Jukdo Japanese Fortress
김해평야와 낙동강을 한눈에 조망할 수 있는 전략적 요충지에 자리 잡고 왜성 -
Gadeok Japanese Fortress (Yulcha Japanese Fortress)
こんにちは、釜山西部に位置する加德島は、昔、釜山と南海岸をつなぐ軍事的な要衝地として重要な位置を占めていた島でした。加德島の北にある標高70メートルのsmall高い山の頂上には文禄2年1592年に起きた文禄の役の際、6番隊の主将として出陣したsmall早... -
Seosaengpo Japanese Fortress
Located on the border between Busan and Ulsan, it is the largest and most well-preserved Japanese castle among the remaining Japanese castles in Korea. Seosaengpo Japanese Fortress, located on the border between Busan and Ulsan, is one o... -
Suncheon Japanese Fortress
1598년(선조 31년) 순천왜성에 주둔한 고니시 유키나가의 일본군과 조선과 중국 명연합군의 치열한 공방전이 벌어졌던 성터! 전남 순천시 동남쪽에 위치한 순천왜성은 임진왜란(1597년) 때 우키타 히데이에와 토도 타카토라가 전라도를 공략하기 위한 마지... -
Ulsan Japanese Fortress(Hakseong Park)
A Japanese Fortress built by Kato Kiyomasa in the 16th century located in downtown Ulsan, Korea's representative industrial complex! Hello, Ulsan Japanese Fortress (Hakseong Won) in downtown Ulsan is a Japanese castle where fierce battle... -
Gijang Jukseong-ri Japanese Fortress
Japanese Castle built in 1593 when Hideyoshi Toyotomi was dispatched to Korea Located about 10 minutes' drive from Gijang-gun to the east coast of Busan, the Japanese retreat from Hanyang, Seoul, in 1593, was built by Nagamasa Kuroda in ...