Gyeongju– tag –
The tomb of King Naemul
新羅の古代国家としての基盤を作り上げた新羅第17代王の王陵 こんにちは、新羅千年の都、慶州市内に2000年12月ユネスコから世界文化遺産に指定された五つの慶州歴史遺跡地区のうち、新羅の王、王妃、貴族たちが眠っているsmall高い古墳が山々のように密集... -
Gyeongju-eupseong Fortress
경주시는 신라 천년역사의 숨결이 느껴지는 곳이지만 고려와 조선시대 유적들도 의외로 많이 남아있습니다. 경주역 앞 성동시장과 인접한 곳에 고려시대 현종 3년(1012년)에 축성되었을 것으로 추정되는 경주 읍성 터가 있습니다. 경주시 동부동과 북부동... -
肉汁が溢れる分厚い豚肉が美味しい食堂 こんにちは、large学校の周辺は、large学生が利用する安くて美味しい食堂がたくさんありますが、東国large学校・慶州キャンパスの周辺は住宅街といった感じですが、large学があることもあり、large学生にperson気の... -
Hwangnyongsa Temple Site
Hello, Hwangnyongsa Temple was founded in the 14th year (553) of King Jinheung of Silla and lasted 700 years until it was destroyed by the Mongolian invasion in the 25th year (1238) of King Gojong of Goryeo. In particular, the Geumdong S... -
Bunhwangsa Temple
Hello, Bunhwangsa Temple, which was built in the 3rd year of Queen Seondeok's reign (634), is believed to have had many relics, but it was mostly destroyed during the Mongol invasion and Japanese Invasion of Korea. In the precincts, an o... -
Dosol Maeul
경주시 전체가 국립공Won으로 지정되어 있는 천년 역사를 자랑하는 고도 경주, 곳곳에 신라 유적이 산재한 경주에 약100여년 전에 지어진 한옥식당들이 있습니다. 약 1,500년 전의 신라고분이 밀집해 있는 대릉Won(천마총)을 둘러싸고 있는 낮은 담장 넘어... -
Daegejang Sundubu Gumseonggwan
신라천년 도읍지인 경주 향토음식으로는 밥과 반찬을 다양한 야채로 싸먹는 쌈밥과 얼큰한 순두부찌개 등이 있는데, 오늘 소개하고 싶은 식당은 일반적인 매운 순두부와는 달리 대게장의 단맛을 듬뿍 느낄 수 있는 대게장 순두부입니다. 대게장순두부는 대... -
Samyeong Bok Sikdang
新慶州駅のKTXを利用すれば、プサンはもちろん、ソウルからKTX(京釜高速鉄道)に身を任せて青空博物館とも呼ばれている古代国家新羅の古都慶州まで簡単にAccessできます。新羅の仏教文化や李氏王朝の儒教文化、原始宗教が盛行した古墳時代などの慶州ならで... -
Mulbanga Samgyetang 千年歴史の街、慶州を訪れた観光客にperson気のある食べ物といえば、新鮮な様々な野菜の上にご飯とおかずをのせて頂くサムパップ定食や純豆腐鍋(スンドゥブチゲ・豆腐の辛い鍋)などがありますが、慶州の桜並木が続く道路沿い... -
Yangdong Village Culture Center
世界遺産・良洞マウルの入口にある村の文化館 こんにちは、 世界遺産が散らばっている慶州市内から北へ30分ほど車で走った場所にもうひとつの世界遺産があります。慶州良洞民俗村は、2010年に慶尚北道・安東市の河回民俗村と共に世界文化遺産に登録され、... -
King Heungdeok’s tomb
慶州市内から北部に位置する統一新羅の第42代の興德王陵 こんにちは、新羅千年の都、慶州といえば、多くの観光客が訪れ、街のMiddleにはlargeきな古墳があちこちに散在していますが、慶州から車で北へ約30分ほど行ったところに李氏王朝の良洞民族村があり... -
Jeonghyesa Temple Site
玉山書院の付近にある統一新羅時代の十三重石塔 こんにちは、李氏王朝の代表的な儒学者の一personである李彦迪先生の故郷でもある世界遺産・慶州良洞民族村とセットになっている玉山書院から西北へ約2キロほど離れたところに国宝40号の十三重石塔がありま... -
Middle国の性理学を定立させた李彦迪先生の古宅 こんにちは、慶州北部に位置する世界遺産・良洞村( ヤンドンマウル)に入るとsmall高い山の上に建てられている李朝時代の藁葺きや瓦葺の韓屋が目の前に迫りますが、そのMiddleでももっとも目立つ場所に、李朝... -
Oksanseowon Confucian Academy
A private educational institution in Joseon Dynasty that honored Lee Eon-jeok, a teacher of Dongbang Oh-hyun, who was born in Yangdong Folk Village, a World Heritage site, and spread his study abroad Hello, Yangdong Folk Village, a World... -
Gyeongju Gampo Port
If you go to the east coast, about an hour away from downtown Gyeongju, you will find the small Gampo Port by car about 20 minutes north along the east coast, leaving behind the tomb of King Munmu and Gameunsa Temple, where the legend ab... -
Tomb of King Munmu
The underwater royal tomb where King Munmu, the 30th king of Silla, who defeated Goguryeo and Baekje and unified the three kingdoms, sleeps! The legend of King Munmu, who tries to protect Silla by becoming a sea dragon in the East Sea, h... -
Golgulsa Temple
The representative Buddhist sites of Gyeongju in Silla's millennium ancient city include Namsan Mountain, Bulguksa Temple in Tohamsan Mountain, and Seokguram Hermitage, and Golgulsa Temple, the only Seokgur temple in Korea, is located at... -
Hamwolsan Girimsa Temple
Located on the eastern coast of Gyeongju, it is one of the 33 Gwaneum sacred sites in Korea built during the reign of Queen Seondeok, the 27th king of Silla. Enjoy Seokguram Hermitage, which is registered as a World Heritage Site, along ... -
Janghang-ri Temple site
A temple in the upper valley of Daejongcheon Stream from Tohamsan Mountain, where Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram are located, to the East Sea Hello. In the southeast valley of Tohamsan Mountain, where Bulguksa Temple and Seokguram, repres... -
A popular short rib patties restaurant located near Bulguksa Temple in Gyeongju Hello, If you go on a trip to Gyeongju, one of the tourist attractions you must visit is Bulguksa Temple. There is a famous restaurant for tteokgalbi near Bu...