Stone buddha– category –
Gaetaesa Temple Site
Stone Buddha Triad Treasure No. 219, which was enshrined in Gaetaesa Temple, founded by King Taejo Wang Geon of Goryeo who unified the Later Three Kingdoms in 936 Hello, Gaetaesa Temple, located about 35 kilometers southwest of Daejeon, ... -
Sancheong Naewonsa Temple
東洋仏教文化圏では最も早い時期に制作された智拳印の毘盧遮那佛を所蔵している 山淸石南巖寺址 石造毘盧遮那佛坐像 国宝 第233‐1号 海抜1915メートルの智異山の東部に位置する慶尚南道 山淸郡に8世紀に刻まれた韓国最古の石造毘盧遮那佛坐像を所蔵してい... -
Buyeo Jeongnimsa Temple Site
Hello, Jeongnimsa Temple Site, located in the center of Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, is a Baekje temple built during the Sabi period (538-660) when Baekje moved its capital to Buyeo. Jeongnimsa Temple Site, along with Iksan Mireuksa Tem... -
Seated Stone Buddha in Yeolamgok, Gyeongju
경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상 1300여 년간 바닥에 엎어져 있는 경주남산 열암곡 마애석불입니다. 경주남산 열암곡 마애석불경주남산 열암곡 마애석불 Name경주 열암곡 ... -
Seated Rock-carved Buddha in Samneung Valley
경주 남산 거대한 자연암벽에 6m 높이로 입체적으로 조각된 마애불! 높이 7m, 폭 5m의 거대한 자연암벽에 6m 높이로 돋을새김한 이 석불은 경주남산 좌불 중 가장 큰 석가여래좌상으로 알려져 있습니다. 제작연대는 8세기 중반 무렵으로 추정하고 있습니다... -
Mubongsa Temple
It is a Buddha statue from the Unified Silla period enshrined in Daeungjeon Hall of Musongbongsa Temple next to Yeongnamnu Pavilion in Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. -
Seokguram Temple
Seokguram Hermitage is a stone cave artificially created by assembling white granite stone on the middle of Tohamsan Mountain and was influenced by stone cave temples in India and China.Seokguram Hermitage, located about 2km up from Bulg... -
Gyeongju Seoak-ri Rock-carved Buddha
慶州市の西側に太宗武烈王陵(新羅29代王)と西岳里古墳群が位置した三角形の山が仙桃山(ソンドサン)です。新羅personのperson々は、仙桃山の頂上付近を西方浄土と考え、ここに阿弥陀三尊仏を刻みました。 彫刻しにくい安山岩に高さ6.85メートルの如来立像を... -
Gyeongju Yaksu Valley Standing Rock-carved Buddha
At the western foot of Geumosan Mountain (468m) in Gyeongju, there is the largest Rock-carved Buddha statue in Namsan Mountain, Gyeongju. The head of the 8.6-meter-high Buddha statue in Yaksu Valley has disappeared, but the surface of th... -
Baeri Standing Stone Buddha Triad
The Barry Stone Buddha in Gyeongju, which has an innocent child's face, is considered a masterpiece, a representative work of Silla Buddha statues in the early 7th century. -
Gyeongju Namsan Tapgok Rock-carved Buddhas
Buddhist art carved on a huge rock is beautiful There are many Buddhist relics remaining in Namsan Mountain in Gyeongju, and Sacheonwangsa Temple Site is located on the left along National Road No. 7, which extends from downtown Gyeongju... -
Gyeongju Namsan Bulgok Rock-carved Buddha
Hello, the oldest stone Buddha in Namsan Mountain in Gyeongju, known as the Three Kingdoms Period, is located in Bulgok, southeastern Gyeongju. In the southeastern mountain of Gyeongju, a treasure trove of world heritage, the valley with... -
Jungsaengsa Temple
Located at the northwest end of Nangsan Mountain in Gyeongju, Jungsaengsa Temple is a Silla-era temple about 200m north of Neungjitap, the crematorium of King Munmu in his 30s. Built on the site of Jungsaengsa Temple in 1940, there is a ... -
Gulbulsa Temple Site
경주 북쪽 소금강산 기슭에 위치하는 굴불사지 사방불은 높이 약 3.5미터의 커다란 화강암 바위에 다양한 불상을 조각한 통일신라시대 사방불입니다. [삼국유사]에 따르면 굴불사는 불국사를 창건한 신라 35대 경덕왕이 백률사로 행차하고 있었는데 굴불산... -
Gyeongju Borisa Temple
The stone Buddha of the Unified Silla period with a sense of volume is beautiful! -
Golgulsa Temple
The representative Buddhist sites of Gyeongju in Silla's millennium ancient city include Namsan Mountain, Bulguksa Temple in Tohamsan Mountain, and Seokguram Hermitage, and Golgulsa Temple, the only Seokgur temple in Korea, is located at... -
Gamsansa Temple
亡き父母のために建立したと伝わる統一新羅時代の寺院 新羅の都、慶州観光のメインと言えば、吐含山(トハムサン)の麓とMiddle腹に位置している「世界遺産」仏国寺と石窟庵観光が定番ですが、あの吐含山の南西麓に石窟庵の石仏より造成시대が早いと言われ... -
Iksan Seokbulsa Temple
안녕하세요, 2015년 세계문화유산으로 등재된 미륵사지에서 북쪽으로 약 3km정도 떨어진 곳에 백제시대에 만들어진 것으로 추정되는 석불과 광배가 있습니다. 최근 조성된 불두를 제외한 높이 156cm의 석불은 1989년과 2011년 두 차례에 걸쳐 이루어진 마... -
Gyeongju Namsan Chilbulam
Chilbulam Hermitage in the Unified Silla Period carved on Namsan Mountain in Gyeongju in the 8th century!