Silla period– category –
Woljeonggyo Bridge
A bridge in the Silla period that connects Gyeongju Wolseong Fortress, the royal palace of Silla, and Gyeongju Namsan Mountain, a World Heritage Site Hello. Woljeonggyo Bridge, built during the Unified Silla Period in Gyo-dong, Gyeongju,... -
Gyeongju Poseokjeong
Hello, Poseokjeong Pavilion, located in west namsan Mountain, Gyeongju, is a historical site where you can learn about the customs of the Silla Dynasty and a place of tragedy that ended the millennium history of Silla. How to get there: ... -
Gyeongju Namsan Changnimsa Temple Site
基壇に刻まれている八部衆像のうち、三つだけが残っています。 Name慶州 南山 昌林寺址 三重石塔경주 남산 창림사지 삼층석탑Address慶尚北道 慶州市 拜洞 山6-1 경상북도 경주시 배동 산6-1 指定宝物 第2867号時代新羅時代 -
Seated Stone Buddha in Yeolamgok, Gyeongju
경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상경주열암곡석불좌상 1300여 년간 바닥에 엎어져 있는 경주남산 열암곡 마애석불입니다. 경주남산 열암곡 마애석불경주남산 열암곡 마애석불 Name경주 열암곡 ... -
Seated Rock-carved Buddha in Samneung Valley
경주 남산 거대한 자연암벽에 6m 높이로 입체적으로 조각된 마애불! 높이 7m, 폭 5m의 거대한 자연암벽에 6m 높이로 돋을새김한 이 석불은 경주남산 좌불 중 가장 큰 석가여래좌상으로 알려져 있습니다. 제작연대는 8세기 중반 무렵으로 추정하고 있습니다... -
Gyeongju Samneung
NameGyeongju Samneung경주삼릉Address73-1, Bae-dong, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do경상북도 경주시 배동 73-1 時代Three Kingdoms Period / Historic Site No. 219 / 1971.04.28Access From Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal, it takes about 20 minut... -
慶州市 校洞の西側に広いのどかな畑があり、新羅の名将・金庾信(キム・ユシン)将軍の邸宅と推定される家の遺構が史跡として保護されています。そこに金庾信(キム・ユシン)将軍が戦場に向かう際に飲んだ財買井という新羅の井戸が残っています。 三国遺事に... -
Gyeongju Seoak-ri Rock-carved Buddha
慶州市の西側に太宗武烈王陵(新羅29代王)と西岳里古墳群が位置した三角形の山が仙桃山(ソンドサン)です。新羅personのperson々は、仙桃山の頂上付近を西方浄土と考え、ここに阿弥陀三尊仏を刻みました。 彫刻しにくい安山岩に高さ6.85メートルの如来立像を... -
Gyeongju Yaksu Valley Standing Rock-carved Buddha
At the western foot of Geumosan Mountain (468m) in Gyeongju, there is the largest Rock-carved Buddha statue in Namsan Mountain, Gyeongju. The head of the 8.6-meter-high Buddha statue in Yaksu Valley has disappeared, but the surface of th... -
Five-story Stone Pagoda of Neungbibong Peak
The Five-story Stone Pagoda of Neungbibong Peak in Gyeongju is known as a unified Silla-style stone pagoda with granite rocks at the top of Neungbibong Peak in Namsan, Gyeongju as the lower base of the stone pagoda and piled up finely pr... -
Baeri Standing Stone Buddha Triad
The Barry Stone Buddha in Gyeongju, which has an innocent child's face, is considered a masterpiece, a representative work of Silla Buddha statues in the early 7th century. -
新羅始祖王の誕生説話が伝わる井戸 三国史記と三国遺事によると慶州市内から西南山へ行く道路の左側に位置するこの井戸の周辺には、紀元前57年に建国して高麗に降伏する935年までの長い歴史を持つ新羅の建国神話が漂っています。 紀元前69年、ある日六部村... -
Gyeongju Neungji Tower Site
경주 경주시내에서 울산으로 향하는 7번 국도 옆에 위치한 해발 104미터의 낭산 정상부에 신라 27대 선덕여왕릉이 있고, 낭산 북서쪽 산자락에는 신라 30대 문무왕(661~681)의 화장터라고 전해지는 높이 4.49미터의 능지탑이 있습니다. 현재 2층 능지탑는 ... -
Mangdeoksa Temple
안녕하세요, 지붕 없는 박물관이라고 불리는 신라 수도 경주시는 많은 유적지가 세계문화유산으로 지정되어 많은 관광객들이 찾지만 아직 신라시대 석탑이나 절터에 사유지가 많아서 관광객들의 발길이 닿지 않는 유적지도 곳곳에서 찾아볼 수 있습니다. ... -
Sachunwangsa temple site
The Patriotic Temple of Ssangtapgaram built for the first time after Silla unified the three kingdoms as Historic Site No. 8. The Nokyusa Cheonwangsangjeon Hall (pictured by the Gyeongju National Museum) excavated from the temple site is... -
Gyeongju Samrangsaji Danggan jiju
慶州市外バスターミナルの近くにある統一新羅時代の幢竿支柱 こんにちは、慶州市外バスターミナルの手前を流れている兄山江から北へ1キロほど歩いたところに、統一新羅時代に作られた幢竿支柱があります。幢竿支柱は、お寺に法会などの行事があるとき、旗... -
Bunhwangsa Temple
Hello, Bunhwangsa Temple, which was built in the 3rd year of Queen Seondeok's reign (634), is believed to have had many relics, but it was mostly destroyed during the Mongol invasion and Japanese Invasion of Korea. In the precincts, an o... -
Tomb of King Munmu
The underwater royal tomb where King Munmu, the 30th king of Silla, who defeated Goguryeo and Baekje and unified the three kingdoms, sleeps! The legend of King Munmu, who tries to protect Silla by becoming a sea dragon in the East Sea, h... -
李氏朝鮮時代は白磁、高麗時代には青磁があれば、新羅時代は新羅特有の土器があります。 慶北慶州市の散在している古墳から発掘された新羅土器が再現されたのは、40余年の前のことでした。慶州市ハ洞慶州民俗工芸村にある新羅窯の名将リュヒョウン(69)さん... -
Myeonghwasanseong Fortress
A stone fortress built in the early 5th century during the Silla Dynasty.