Silla Tomb– category –
King Heondeok’s tomb
Name憲德王陵 Heondeok-Wangleung 헌덕왕릉Address慶尚北道 慶州市 東川洞80경상북도 경주시 동천동 80 時代統一新羅時代 第41代在位 : 809年 - 826年指定史跡第29号 -
Gyeongju Nodong-ri and Noseori Ancient Tombs
Gyeongju Nodong-ri and Noseori Ancient Tombs Located about a 10-minute walk from Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal, Gyungju Nodong-ri and Noseori Ancient Tombs are spread east-west around Bonghwang-ro right in front of the back gate of Dae... -
Gyeongju Samneung
NameGyeongju Samneung경주삼릉Address73-1, Bae-dong, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do경상북도 경주시 배동 73-1 時代Three Kingdoms Period / Historic Site No. 219 / 1971.04.28Access From Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal, it takes about 20 minut... -
Bullodong Tombs
대구 불로동 고분군은 팔공산으로 이어지는 해발 427m 문암산 정상에서 뻗은 해발 53~83m 능선 일대에 조성된 5세기 전후의 삼국시대 고분군이다. 1938년 제18호분(해안면 1호분), 제22호분(해안면 2호분)을 조사하였고, 1963~1964년에는 경북대학교박물관... -
Royal Tomb of King Seongdeok
こんにちは、慶州(キョンジュ)からウルサン(ウルサン)へ向かう7番国道沿いに新羅第33代の聖德王(702~737)を祭った聖德王陵と聖德王陵龜趺があります。聖德王は、世遺遺産・仏国寺と石窟庵をつくった新羅35代の景徳王の父王に当たり、国立慶州博物館の... -
Tomb of General Kim Yu-shin
The territorial battle was fierce until the 7th century due to the confrontation between Goguryeo in the north, Baekje in the southwest, and Silla in the southeast. In the 7th year of King Taejong Muyeol (Kim Chun-chu), General Kim Yu-si... -
Royal Tomb of King Muyeol
The king who created the foundation for the unification of the three kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula with General Kim Yu-shin, the master of Silla! -
Daereungwon (Cheonmachong)
Daereungwon, a representative tomb park of the Shilla period, boasting the largest scale in Korea -
Tomb of King Talhae
신라 4대왕 탈해왕의 왕릉이며, 신라 건국과 관련된 유서 깊은 유적지입니다. -
Gyeongju Jjoksaem Historic Site Excavation Hall
경주고분공Won에 위치한 경주 쪽샘유적발굴관은 4~6세기에 조성된 신라 44호 적석목곽분 발굴현장을 일반 시민에게 공개하고 있습니다. Basic information Name 경주 쪽샘유적발국관 Address 경상북도 경주시 황오동 356 Telephone 054-748-2671 business ... -
The tomb of King Naemul
新羅の古代国家としての基盤を作り上げた新羅第17代王の王陵 こんにちは、新羅千年の都、慶州市内に2000年12月ユネスコから世界文化遺産に指定された五つの慶州歴史遺跡地区のうち、新羅の王、王妃、貴族たちが眠っているsmall高い古墳が山々のように密集... -
King Heungdeok’s tomb
慶州市内から北部に位置する統一新羅の第42代の興德王陵 こんにちは、新羅千年の都、慶州といえば、多くの観光客が訪れ、街のMiddleにはlargeきな古墳があちこちに散在していますが、慶州から車で北へ約30分ほど行ったところに李氏王朝の良洞民族村があり... -
Gwaeneung Royal Tomb
Gwaeneung Royal Tomb, which is believed to be the tomb of the 38th King Wonseong of Silla, is said to have the best carving techniques among the existing Silla royal tombs, including eight stone statues standing side by side as if protec...