Korea Cultural Heritage– category –
Shilla History and Science Museum
千年以上の遺跡があちらこちらに散らばっている慶州ですが、今なお解けない謎に包まれている遺跡や建造物が数多くあり、その遺跡の謎を迫る場所が慶州民俗工芸村のMiddleにあります。 慶州民俗工芸村に位置している新羅歴史科学館は、新羅時代から李氏王朝... -
Gwaeneung Royal Tomb
Gwaeneung Royal Tomb, which is believed to be the tomb of the 38th King Wonseong of Silla, is said to have the best carving techniques among the existing Silla royal tombs, including eight stone statues standing side by side as if protec... -
Myeonghwasanseong Fortress
A stone fortress built in the early 5th century during the Silla Dynasty. -
Hwaeomsa Temple
대한민국 국립공Won 제1호로 지정된 지리산은 부산 서부의 전라북도, 전라남도, 경상남도 3개 도에 걸쳐 있는 영산으로 예로부터 신앙이 대상이 되어 왔습니다. 지리산 산기슭에는 많은 명찰이 있지만, 그중 화엄사는 화엄십찰로 손꼽히는 곳이기도 합니다... -
Iksan Seokbulsa Temple
안녕하세요, 2015년 세계문화유산으로 등재된 미륵사지에서 북쪽으로 약 3km정도 떨어진 곳에 백제시대에 만들어진 것으로 추정되는 석불과 광배가 있습니다. 최근 조성된 불두를 제외한 높이 156cm의 석불은 1989년과 2011년 두 차례에 걸쳐 이루어진 마... -
Sajasa Temple Site
안녕하세요, 2015년 세계문화유산으로 지정된 미륵사지가 한눈에 내려다보이는 해발 426.9미터 미륵산에는 미륵사 창건에 관한 설화가 전해지는 백제시대 사자사가 있습니다. 백제 무왕(600~641)과 왕비 선화공주가 미륵산(옛 용화산) 사자사로 가려고 할 ... -
Iksan Jeseoksa Temple
Basic information Name 익산 제석사지 益山 帝釈寺址 Address 전라북도 익산시 왕궁면 왕궁리 247-1 More information 사적 제405호 백제시대 [Google_Maps_WD id=596 map=294] -
Gyeryongsan Gapsa Temple
철당간지주 (통일신라) 보물 제256호(위)와 갑사부도(고려시대) 보물 제257호(하) Basic information Name 계룡산갑사 鶏龍山甲寺 Address 충청남도 공주시 계룡면 중장리 52 忠清南道 公州市 鷄龍面 Middle壮里 52 Telephone 041-857-8981 business hour... -
Gongju Daetongsa Temple Site (Gongju Banjuk-dong Flagpole Support)
Gongju Banjuk-dong Flagpole Support (Unified Silla Period) Treasure No. 150 Banjuk-dong Stone Treasure No. 149It is currently on display at the National Ju Museum. Basic information Name Gongju Daetongsa Temple Site (Gongju Banjuk-dong F... -
Seokjangri Museum
Located in Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do, the site where Paleolithic relics were excavated for the first time in Korea Hello, if you go about 6km southeast along the Geumgang River from downtown Gongju, where the Baekje Historic District ... -
Woongjin Baekje Cultural History Museum
Tomb of King Muryeong in Baekje Historic District and Exhibition Hall located at the entrance of Songsan-ri Tombs Hello, this is Woongjin Baekje Cultural History Museum located at the entrance of the Tomb of King Muryeong and Songsan-ri ... -
Songsan-ri Ancient Tombs (Rombs of King Muryeong)
Songsan-ri tombs were built in Ungjin (now Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do), which was the capital of Baekje for 64 years until it was moved to Sabi (currently Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do) in 538. -
Buyeo Seongheungsanseong Fortress
The fortress became the base of Baekje's revival movement after Baekje's fall to the combined forces of Nadang Hello, Seongheungsanseong Fortress (Historic Site No. 4) located in Imcheon-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, is a typical ... -
Historic Site of Gwanbuk-ri, Buyeo
Hello, there is a historic site in Gwanbuk-ri, Buyeo, which is believed to be the royal palace site of the Baekje Sabi period (Sabi, present Buyeo, 538-660) in the flat area from Busosanseong Fortress (106 meters) north of Buyeo. After y... -
Buyeo Naseong
Hello, this is Sabi (Buyeo), the royal capital of Baekje, using the natural topography to surround the outskirts of Buyeo. Buyeo Naseong, which is said to have been built during the reign of King Seongwang (24th generation, 523-554) of B... -
Busosanseong Fortress
Hello, this is a Baekje-era fortress located in the northern part of Buyeo and built on the low Busosan Mountain (106 meters) along the Baekma River where the Baekma River tourist boat travels. Busosanseong Fortress was the capital of Ba... -
Buyeo National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage
Hello, this is the Buyeo National Cultural Heritage Research Institute for the preservation and research of various artifacts discovered in the old Baekje Sabido Castle. On the first floor, there is also a museum where relics under inves... -
Gunsuri Temple Site
부여 궁남지에서 서쪽으로 200m 정도 떨어진 곳에 있는 백제시대 사찰 군수리사지 안녕하세요, 1935년과 1936년에 실시된 발굴 당시에는 궁전지라고 추정했지만, 그 후 탑 심초석과 보물 제329호 납석제 불좌상, 보물 제330호 금동미륵보살입상 등 사찰의 ... -
Baekma River Cruise
Hello, as the Baekje Historic District was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015, more and more tourists are visiting Buyeo. The Baekma River cruise ship is popular, which goes back to the Baekma River (now Geumgang Estuary)... -
Gungnamji (Buyeo Seodong Park)
hello. Gungnamji, located about 1km south of downtown Buyeo, is Jeong Won, a pond built in the Baekje era during the reign of King Mu, the 30th king of Baekje. To the west of Gungnamji is the Buyeo Gunsu-ri Tempel site, which was discove...