Korea Cultural Heritage– category –
Mubongsa Temple
It is a Buddha statue from the Unified Silla period enshrined in Daeungjeon Hall of Musongbongsa Temple next to Yeongnamnu Pavilion in Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. -
Miryang Yeongnamnu Pavilion
Yeongnam’s first pavilion containing the arang tale of Miryang Arirang, one of the three major pavilions in Korea and one of Korea’s three greatest folk songs. hello. Yeongnam-ru (Treasure No. 147) in Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, locate... -
Bulguksa Temple
World Heritage Site Embracing Glamorous Thousand Years of Silla Culture and Art. -
Seokguram Temple
Seokguram Hermitage is a stone cave artificially created by assembling white granite stone on the middle of Tohamsan Mountain and was influenced by stone cave temples in India and China.Seokguram Hermitage, located about 2km up from Bulg... -
Iksan Mireuksa Temple Site
Korea's oldest, Baekje's largest Iksan Mireuksa Temple Site! It is one of the Baekje historical sites and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2015. -
Gochang Dosanri Dolmen
Hello, there is a table-type drum-type dolmen about 650m south of the Gochang Goindol Museum located in Dosan-ri, Gochang-eup, Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do.It was designated as a six-course Gochang dolmen designated as a UNESCO World Herita... -
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress
During the Joseon Dynasty, the administrative center of Dongnaebu was surrounded by a fortress wall, and when the Imjin War broke out, it became the first target of the Japanese army's attack and was the battleground of the battle of Dongraeseong. -
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress History Museum of Imjin War
2005년 4월 부산 도시철도 4호선 수안역 건설공사 현장에서 동래읍성 해자가 발견된 이후 2005년 7월부터 2008년 8월까지 다섯 차례에 걸쳐 발굴조사를 실시하였으며, 해자에서 임진왜란 때 동래성 전투에서 희생된 100여 명 안팎의 인골과 각종 무기 등이... -
慶州市 校洞の西側に広いのどかな畑があり、新羅の名将・金庾信(キム・ユシン)将軍の邸宅と推定される家の遺構が史跡として保護されています。そこに金庾信(キム・ユシン)将軍が戦場に向かう際に飲んだ財買井という新羅の井戸が残っています。 三国遺事に... -
Gyeongju Seoak-ri Rock-carved Buddha
慶州市の西側に太宗武烈王陵(新羅29代王)と西岳里古墳群が位置した三角形の山が仙桃山(ソンドサン)です。新羅personのperson々は、仙桃山の頂上付近を西方浄土と考え、ここに阿弥陀三尊仏を刻みました。 彫刻しにくい安山岩に高さ6.85メートルの如来立像を... -
Gyeongju Yaksu Valley Standing Rock-carved Buddha
At the western foot of Geumosan Mountain (468m) in Gyeongju, there is the largest Rock-carved Buddha statue in Namsan Mountain, Gyeongju. The head of the 8.6-meter-high Buddha statue in Yaksu Valley has disappeared, but the surface of th... -
Five-story Stone Pagoda of Neungbibong Peak
The Five-story Stone Pagoda of Neungbibong Peak in Gyeongju is known as a unified Silla-style stone pagoda with granite rocks at the top of Neungbibong Peak in Namsan, Gyeongju as the lower base of the stone pagoda and piled up finely pr... -
Baeri Standing Stone Buddha Triad
The Barry Stone Buddha in Gyeongju, which has an innocent child's face, is considered a masterpiece, a representative work of Silla Buddha statues in the early 7th century. -
Gwangyang Marosanseong Fortress
Malosanseong Fortress is located about 3km to the east of Gwangyang city and is 208.9m above sea level, surrounded by the peak of Mt. Malo in the Baekje era. The fortress is located on both sides of the mountain and low in the middle lik... -
Gimhae Gusan-dong Baegundae Ancient Tombs
A tomb in the late 6th century located on a hill overlooking Gimhae City -
Yongdusa Temple Cheoldanggan
忠淸北道 淸州市の南門路2街は、百貨店や銀行、劇場などが密集している繁華街に10世紀末頃の龍頭寺址 鉄幢竿1本が高く聳え立ています。 Name龍頭寺址 鉄幢竿용두사지 철당간Address 忠淸北道 淸州市 上黨区 南門路2街 48-19 충청북도 청주시 상당구 남문... -
Yangsan City Museum (Bukjeong-dong Couple Tomb)
The City Exhibition Hall displays a model of Yangshan Bu-Bu in Bukjeong-dong Ancient Tombs Hello, Yangsan-si, which borders Busan and the northwest, is located between Gimhae-si, the king of Geumgwan Gaya, and Ulsan-si, which was located... -
Daegu Buinsa Temple
대구광역시 팔공산에 위치하는 신라천년 고찰 입니다. 대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사대구 부인사 Name부인... -
Daegu National Museum
국립대구박물관국립대구박물관국립대구박물관국립대구박물관국립대구박물관 Name국립대구박물관Address대구시 수성구 황금동 70Telephone053-768-6051business hours평일 10시~18시 토·일·요일·휴일 10시~19시(마감 1시간 전까지 입장 가능)야간개장 4월~1... -
Dalseong Park
달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won Name달성공WonAddress대구광역시 중구 달성동 294-1Telephone053-554-7907business hours...