Joseon Dynasty period– category –
Miryang Yeongnamnu Pavilion
Yeongnam’s first pavilion containing the arang tale of Miryang Arirang, one of the three major pavilions in Korea and one of Korea’s three greatest folk songs. hello. Yeongnam-ru (Treasure No. 147) in Miryang-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, locate... -
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress
During the Joseon Dynasty, the administrative center of Dongnaebu was surrounded by a fortress wall, and when the Imjin War broke out, it became the first target of the Japanese army's attack and was the battleground of the battle of Dongraeseong. -
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress History Museum of Imjin War
2005년 4월 부산 도시철도 4호선 수안역 건설공사 현장에서 동래읍성 해자가 발견된 이후 2005년 7월부터 2008년 8월까지 다섯 차례에 걸쳐 발굴조사를 실시하였으며, 해자에서 임진왜란 때 동래성 전투에서 희생된 100여 명 안팎의 인골과 각종 무기 등이... -
Gyeongsang Gamyeong Park
Name慶尙監営公園경상감영공WonAddresslarge邱広域市 Middle区 布政洞 21대구광역시 중구 시정동 21Telephone053-254-9404 -
Nokdong Seowon
Name鹿洞書院 녹동서WonAddresslarge邱広域市 達城郡 嘉昌面 友鹿里 585대구광역시 달성군 가창면 우록길 585 Telephone053-767-5790business hoursタルソン韓日友好館09:00~18:00 (冬11月~2月 09:00~17:00)Closed day正月、旧正連休、秋夕連休Admissi... -
Joseon Tongsinsa History Museum
The Joseon Tongsinsa History Museum, which looks back on the achievements of Joseon Tongsinsa, which has been in charge of cultural exchange between Korea and Japan since the 17th century, opened on April 21, 2011 on the site of Jaseongd... -
慶州校村韓屋マウルに位置する李氏朝鮮時代の儒学を教えた国立教育機関! こんにちは、新羅千年の都、慶州は、市内に新羅時代の遺物があちこちにありますが、古代新羅の王宮が位置する月城西側には、崔氏古宅と瑤石宮、校銅法酒などの李氏朝鮮時代の建築物... -
Gyeongju Gyo-dong Choi’s house
慶州校洞韓屋マウルにある1700시대の建築物 この家屋は、富豪の慶州崔氏の家で、新羅時代の瑤石宮の敷地に1700年頃に建てられたと伝わっています。 この屋敷は月城(ウォルソン)に沿って流れる南川(ナムチョン)横に位置し、ヘンランチェ(門脇部屋)、主perso... -
Yangdong Village Culture Center
世界遺産・良洞マウルの入口にある村の文化館 こんにちは、 世界遺産が散らばっている慶州市内から北へ30分ほど車で走った場所にもうひとつの世界遺産があります。慶州良洞民俗村は、2010年に慶尚北道・安東市の河回民俗村と共に世界文化遺産に登録され、... -
Nakan Eupseong Folk Village
In the Nakan Eupseong Folk Village, there are Daejanggeum set where Daejanggeum was filmed, and Oksa, Dongheon, and Water Mill, so it is still a drama filming location where drama fans continue to visit! -
Middle国の性理学を定立させた李彦迪先生の古宅 こんにちは、慶州北部に位置する世界遺産・良洞村( ヤンドンマウル)に入るとsmall高い山の上に建てられている李朝時代の藁葺きや瓦葺の韓屋が目の前に迫りますが、そのMiddleでももっとも目立つ場所に、李朝... -
Yangdong Folk Village
A folk village located in the northern part of Gyeongju, where Confucian culture and traditional Korean hanok of the Joseon Dynasty remain intact!