Castle– category –
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress
During the Joseon Dynasty, the administrative center of Dongnaebu was surrounded by a fortress wall, and when the Imjin War broke out, it became the first target of the Japanese army's attack and was the battleground of the battle of Dongraeseong. -
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress History Museum of Imjin War
2005년 4월 부산 도시철도 4호선 수안역 건설공사 현장에서 동래읍성 해자가 발견된 이후 2005년 7월부터 2008년 8월까지 다섯 차례에 걸쳐 발굴조사를 실시하였으며, 해자에서 임진왜란 때 동래성 전투에서 희생된 100여 명 안팎의 인골과 각종 무기 등이... -
Gwangyang Marosanseong Fortress
Malosanseong Fortress is located about 3km to the east of Gwangyang city and is 208.9m above sea level, surrounded by the peak of Mt. Malo in the Baekje era. The fortress is located on both sides of the mountain and low in the middle lik... -
Dalseong Park
달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won달성공Won Name달성공WonAddress대구광역시 중구 달성동 294-1Telephone053-554-7907business hours... -
Gyeongju-eupseong Fortress
경주시는 신라 천년역사의 숨결이 느껴지는 곳이지만 고려와 조선시대 유적들도 의외로 많이 남아있습니다. 경주역 앞 성동시장과 인접한 곳에 고려시대 현종 3년(1012년)에 축성되었을 것으로 추정되는 경주 읍성 터가 있습니다. 경주시 동부동과 북부동... -
Myeonghwasanseong Fortress
A stone fortress built in the early 5th century during the Silla Dynasty. -
Buyeo Seongheungsanseong Fortress
The fortress became the base of Baekje's revival movement after Baekje's fall to the combined forces of Nadang Hello, Seongheungsanseong Fortress (Historic Site No. 4) located in Imcheon-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, is a typical ... -
Buyeo Naseong
Hello, this is Sabi (Buyeo), the royal capital of Baekje, using the natural topography to surround the outskirts of Buyeo. Buyeo Naseong, which is said to have been built during the reign of King Seongwang (24th generation, 523-554) of B... -
Busosanseong Fortress
Hello, this is a Baekje-era fortress located in the northern part of Buyeo and built on the low Busosan Mountain (106 meters) along the Baekma River where the Baekma River tourist boat travels. Busosanseong Fortress was the capital of Ba... -
Bunsanseong Fortress
A fortress with a panoramic view of downtown Gimhae, Wangdo of Geumgwan Gaya, the Iron Kingdom -
Gyeongju Wolseong
Historic Site of the Silla Dynasty in Wolseong District, one of the historic sites of Gyeongju, a World Heritage Site. -
Gongsanseong Fortress
Hello, Gongsanseong Fortress was built to protect Ungjin, the capital of Baekje, for 64 years until it moved to Buyeo in 538 (the 16th year of King Seongwang's reign), and it is a Pogok-style fortress surrounding the summit of Gongsanseo... -
금정산과 금정산성
아름다운 자연경관과 문화유적을 품은 명산 금정산(金井山)은 부산에서 가장 경치가 아름답고 장대함을 자랑하는 산입니다. 해발은 801미터로 그리 높지 않은 산이지만 남쪽의 금강산이라 불릴 정도로 산세가 수려하고 금정산성, 범어사 등의 문화유적과 ...