Dongnae, Dongnae Hot Springs– category –
Dongnae, which retains the old history of Busan, is a historically important place in that Busan was called Dongnae-eup from an early age. Dongnaeeupseong Fortress is located in the center of Dongnae-gu. There was a fierce battle with the Japanese during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, and the souls of the generals and soldiers who died at that time are enshrined in Chungnyeolsa Temple.
Dongnae has long been well known as a hot spring area. In addition to large hot spring facilities such as Heosimcheong and Nongshim Hotel, there are foot baths called Dongspa City and Dongspa Topia, so anyone can enjoy the hot spring bath.
If you go from the hot spring to the mountain, there is Geumgang Park, and there is a cable car that goes up to Geumjeongsan Mountain from here, so it would be a good idea to go up if you have time. It is also connected to Geumjeongsanseong Fortress.
Sajik Baseball Stadium is home to professional baseball Lotte Giants, and many baseball fans gather here during the season, and you can see Lotte's unique culture of cheering seagulls. And when it comes to Dongnae local food, the first thing that comes to mind is Dongnae pajeon. It's one of the foods I really want to try when I come to Dongnae.
Tourist attractions → Heosimcheong, Chungnyeolsa, Dongnae Market, Geumgang Park, Busan Marine Natural History Museum
Food → Dongnae Grandmother's pancake.
Festival → Dongnaeeupseong Fortress History Festival.
Somunnan Dongnae Pajeon
안녕하세요, 해발 801미터 금정산 기슭에 위치하고 동래Pajeon 파전으로 인기있는 식당입니다. 식당 인근에는 온천을 즐길 수 있는 허심청(호텔농심병설온천)과 대욕천장 등 동래온천에서 도보로 10분 이내에 위치하고 있습니다. 간판Menu인 신선한 쪽파와... -
Somunnan Jumunjin Makguksu
Hello, when it comes to Busan Naengmyeon, you can choose wheat noodles made of flour, and there is a famous Jumunjin Makguksu restaurant near Busan Asiad Main Stadium in Sajik-dong, Dongnae-gu, Busan, where Korean professional baseball i... -
Busan Asiad Main Stadium
Hello, Busan Asiad Main Stadium, located about 6 kilometers north of Seomyeon, Busan, was built for the 2002 FIFA Korea-Japan World Cup and the 14th Asian Games held in Busan in 2002. Busan Asiad Main Stadium. Busan Asiad Main Stadium. I... -
Dongnae Market
長い歷史を持つ東莱市場、在来市場特有の賑やかさと共に東莱市場には何か特別なものが漂っています。 釜山の代表的な在来市場の一つである東莱市場は、李氏朝鮮王朝の東莱邑城のMiddleに位置しており、その歷史が長く、朝鮮時代の邑内市場からその起源を探... -
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress
During the Joseon Dynasty, the administrative center of Dongnaebu was surrounded by a fortress wall, and when the Imjin War broke out, it became the first target of the Japanese army's attack and was the battleground of the battle of Dongraeseong. -
Dongnaeeupseong Fortress History Museum of Imjin War
2005년 4월 부산 도시철도 4호선 수안역 건설공사 현장에서 동래읍성 해자가 발견된 이후 2005년 7월부터 2008년 8월까지 다섯 차례에 걸쳐 발굴조사를 실시하였으며, 해자에서 임진왜란 때 동래성 전투에서 희생된 100여 명 안팎의 인골과 각종 무기 등이... -
Busan Bokcheon-dong Ancient Tombs
9천여점의 많은 유물이 출토된 동래지역 삼국시대 고분군 안녕하세요, 부산 지하철 1호선 동래역에서 동쪽으로 2킬로미터 이내에 동래부 동헌, 동래향교, 동래읍성 등 조선시대의 오랜 역사를 느낄 수 있는 조선시대의 중심부가 있으며, 그곳에서 북쪽으로... -
Bokcheon Museum
부산 고대 역사 자료와 귀중한 많은 유물들이 전시되어 있습니다 복천박물관은 동래구 복산동 북방 대포산 구릉에 있는 고분군에서 발굴된 각종 자료를 전시하고 있습니다. 복천동 고분군은 총면적이 45,576㎡에 이르는 부산의 대표적 고분군으로 사적 제2... -
Geumjeong Sanseong Makgeolli
우리나라 5대 사찰로 손 꼽히는 범어사가 자리 잡고 있는 금정산은 부산시민의 등산로로 유명하며 조선시대 때 쌓은 금정산성이 자리하고 있는 금정산성 마을의 민속주 1호인 산성 토속술(산성Makgeolli 막걸리)을 소개합니다. 금정산성 마을은 평지보다 ... -
Dongnae Samgyetang
Dongnae Samgyetang, which is delicious with thick broth made with chicken. Hello, Dongnae, which served as a military and administrative center in Busan during the Joseon Dynasty, has surprisingly many attractions and restaurants such as... -
Dongnae Halmae Pajeon
Located in the northern part of Busan, it is the only tomb of the ruling class in the old Dongnae Hot Springs, Dongnae-eupseong, and Busan, and there is Dongnae Halmaepajeon, a famous local food restaurant representing Dongnae, the cente... -
금정산과 금정산성
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Beomeosa Temple
Geumjeongsan Beomeosa Temple, one of the three most important temples in Yeongnam along with Haeinsa and Tongdosa