Beomil-dong, Jwacheon-dong– category –
This is Beomil-dong area located at the second subway station toward Nampo-dong from Seomyeon Station where Busan Subway Lines 1 and 2 intersect.
There are shopping areas such as Hyundai Department Store, precious metal streets lined with precious metal wholesalers, Busanjin Market, Pyeonghwa Market, and Jayu Market, which handle clothing, shoes, hats, and household goods, centering on Beomil Subway Station.
Until the 1960s, Chosun Textile Co., Ltd. and Intercity Bus Terminal were located here and served as the center of the Busan economy. Song bars, restaurants, wholesale markets, and bars are concentrated, so it still has a borderline atmosphere. There are filming locations such as an international hotel where the movie Friends, starring Jang Dong-gun, was filmed, and Gopchang Alley in Munhyeon-dong, where the 1970s appearance of the port city of Busan remains intact.
In addition, there is Jaesung Jaseong Grand Park, which is used as a resting place for Busan citizens, and there is the Joseon Tongsinsa History Museum, which looks back on the achievements of Joseon Tongsinsa, which has been in charge of cultural exchanges between Korea and Japan since the 16th century.
Busan Canyon Park
부산캐니언파크부산캐니언파크부산캐니언파크부산캐니언파크부산캐니언파크부산캐니언파크부산캐니언파크부산캐니언파크 안녕하세요 부산 번화가 서면 인근 문현동 금융단지에 2019년 12월에 문을 연 어린이 실내동물Won이 있습니다. 금융단지인 부산 IFC... -
Busan Securities Museum
Hello, there is the Busan Securities Museum on the second floor of the Busan IFC Mall in Munhyeon Financial Complex, which is emerging as the center of Korean finance. The Busan Securities Museum opened on December 4, 2019, with a site a... -
50-year-old grandmother gukbap
Hello, if you follow the small alley next to Hyundai Department Store at Beomil Station on Busan Subway Line 1, you will find a famous railroad overpass where the movie "Friend" starring Jang Dong-gun was filmed. If you cross the overpas... -
Hocheon Village(drama ‘Fight for My Way’ filming location)
Hello, This is Hocheon Village on the mountain top of Beomcheon-dong near KTX Busan Station. It was named Hocheon Village because it was a village where tigers frequently appeared during the Joseon Dynasty. In 2017, the KBS drama 《drama... -
Jobangap Wonjo Halmae Nakji
There are many delicious foods in the lively traditional market, so you can drool in your mouth. In line with the term food paradise, it is a department store of taste, but it retains its old appearance and searches for unique foods uniq... -
Bulgogi Family Restaurant in Beomil-dong. -
Beomil-dong Jewelry Street
凡一洞(ボムイルドン)貴金属通りは釜山地下鉄1号線の凡一駅(ボムイルヨッ)10番出口と平和卸売市場の間のゴールドテーマ通りに沿って、ゴールドシティ貴金属商店街とセール貴金属商店街をはじめ、ラッキー、金塔、釜山ゴールド宝石商店街など500余店あまり... -
Busan Pyeonghwa Wholesale Marke
釜山鎮区は古いlarge型在来市場が多くありますが、そのMiddleで地下鉄1号線凡一洞(ポミルドン)駅の現代デパートの向かい側に拡がるlarge型市場、平和市場(平和卸売市場)があります。 1969年金物市場として始まって2年後は複合市場に変わり現在まで40年... -
Busan Jayu Wholesale Market
釜山地下鉄1号線の凡一駅の8番出口を出た位置する自由卸売市場(自由市場)は、1968年12月14日に設立された釜山を代表する卸売市場です。 地下1階から地上5階と屋上で構成された釜山の自由卸売市場は、生活雑貨売り場の外郭(ウェガク)市場と、1階の靴の専... -
Hyundai Department Store
100年近くの歴史を持つ専門市場である釜山鎮市場など、卸売市場が近所に位置する釜山地下鉄1号線の汎一洞(ポミルトンン)駅にlarge型高級百貨店、現代百貨店釜山店があります。 1995年、デパートとしては釜山で初めてオープンした現代百貨店釜山店は、高... -
BIFC Busan International Financial Center
Busan International Financial Center (BIFC), located in Munhyeon Financial Complex with 4 basement floors and 63 ground floors, is Busan's 3rd skyscraper after Haeundae Doosan We've the Zenith (301m, 80th floor) and Haeundae I'Park (292m... -
Busanjin Market
한복, 부인복 등 혼례용품 전문시장으로 부산 지하철 1호선 범일역에 위치하고 있습니다. 부산진시장부산진시장 부산시 동구 범일동에 위치한 부산진시장은 전국 3대 시장 중 하나로 88년의 오랜 전통을 가진 전통시장입니니다. 점내는 견직물 가게, 양복... -
Jaseongdae Park
안녕하세요, 부산 도시철도 1호선 범일역 2번 출구에서 도보로 10분 정도의 거리에 있는 자성대공Won은 임진왜란(1592~1598년) 때 축성한 일본 성곽으로 현재는 부산 시민들의 휴식공간으로 이용되고 있습니다. 이 성곽은 1593년(선조 26) 모리 히데모토와... -
Joseon Tongsinsa History Museum
The Joseon Tongsinsa History Museum, which looks back on the achievements of Joseon Tongsinsa, which has been in charge of cultural exchange between Korea and Japan since the 17th century, opened on April 21, 2011 on the site of Jaseongd... -
Busanpo Japanese Fortress
Busanpo Japanese Fortress, where the first battle took place during the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 Busanpo Japanese Fortress overlooking Busan Port is located in Jeungsan Park, about 130 meters above sea level, overlooking Japan’...