Gudrae Dolssambap

Gudrae Dolssambap

A popular ssambap restaurant for tourists visiting Buyeo, Chungcheongnam-do

Hello, when you visit Buyeo, Wangdo of Baekje, it is common to take a cruise ship to and from the Baekma River and go around Busosanseong Fortress, including Nakhwaam Rock, a symbolic place of Baekje’s destruction, and it is Gudrae Dolssambap located on the way to the Baekma River cruise ship.

The main menu of Gudrae Ssambap is a ssambap with various side dishes and rice on fresh vegetables. There are various ssambap including Dolsot Bibimbap and ssambap with meat wrapped.

It’s very crowded during the tourist season and weekends, so if you want to visit this restaurant, you’d better make a reservation in advance!

Main menu
 불고기돌쌈밥  15,000Won
 편육돌쌈밥  15,000Won
 야채돌솥밥  10,000Won
 불고기쌈밥  12,000Won
이밖에도 많은 쌈밥 Menu가 있습니다.  
Basic information
Name Gudrae Dolssambap
Address 96-3, Gu-ri, Buyeo-eup, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do
충남 부여군 부여읍 구아리 96-3
Telephone 041-836-0463
business hours 10:30~8:30
Closed day New Year’s Day and Chuseok holidays
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